Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Spiritual and moral competence of physician. International experience

N.V. Kudryavaya, K.V. Zorin


Kudryavaya Natalia V.,

Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology at

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

Zorin Konstantin V.,

PhD of medical sciences, docent of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology

at Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry



Raised is the problem of spiritual and moral development and breeding of students in medicine and practic physicians. Based on personal experience of lecturing in medical high school, the authors examined history and achievements of their foreign collegues. Using of positive experience of Western medical schools would allow to raise spiritual and moral competence of physician, as well as to humanize modern medicine.

Key words: liberalization, spiritual and moral development, existential approach.



1. Cousins, N. Anatomy of an illness as the perceived by the patient: Reflections on healing and regeneration. — M.: Physical Culture and Sports, 1991. — 95 p.

2. Medicine and Human Rights: The rules and regulations of international law, ethics, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim and Buddhist religious morality. — M.: Progress; Inter-Progress, 1992.

3. Ibid. — P. 9.

4. Kosarev, I.I., Bartko, A.N. Biomedical Ethics Teaching Abroad // Medical Newspaper. — 1999. — No. 90. — P. 10.

5. Sgreccia, E., Tambon, V. Bioethics. Tutorial. — M.: Biblical Theological Institute of St. Apostle Andrew, 2002. — 434 p.

6. Wyatt, J. On the verge of life and death: Problems of modern health care in the light of Christian ethics. — SPb.: Myrtle, 2003. — 362 p.

7. Jackiewicz, K.V. Spirituality and Medicine // Psychology. — 2010. — No. 20. — P. 22.

8. Zorin, K.V. Get up and walk: Steps to recovery. — M.: Russian Chronograph, 2001. — 352 p.

9. Zorin, K.V. Why am I? Diseases that we bring on. — M.: Russian Chronograph, 2010. — 288 p.

10. Roshal, L. Children, the best people in the world // Medical Newspaper. — 2013. — No. 32 (7358). — P. 16.

11. Kudryavaya, N.V., Ukolova, E.M., Smirnova, N.B., Voloshina, E.A., Zorin, K.V. Pedagogy in medicine: a textbook for medical students in higher educational institutions. — M.: Academia Publ., 2012. — 320 p.

12. Kudryavaya, N.V., Zorin, K.V., Suvorova, E.V. Problem of spiritual and moral development of medical students // Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly). — 2012. — No. 9. — P. 65–68.