Shokorova Larissa Vladimirovna
Candidate of art criticism
Associate professor of history of domestic and foreign art
FGBOU VPO "Altai State University"
Key words: folk art handicraft industries and crafts, master of folk art, professional education, decorative applied art.
1. Baldina, O.D. Tastes and addictions of the modern art market of Russia. — M.: AST, Astrel, 2002.
2. Babansky, Yu.O. About didactic bases of increase of learning efficiency // National education. — 2006. — No. 11.
3. Vakulenko, E.G. National arts and crafts creativity. — M.: Phoenix, 2007.
4. Kantsedikas, A.S. Traditions of folk art and modern culture // National art crafts: theory and practice. — M., 1982.
5. Kazanskaya, N.R. Traditional applied art as a subject in educational institutions of national art crafts: Abstr. diss. … cand. ped. sciences. — M., 2000.
6. Melik–Pashayev, A.A. About condition and opportunities of art education // Art in school. — 2008. — No. 1.
7. Maksimovich, V.F. Folk art, history and present // National creativity/ — 2007. — No.4.