Svetlana V. Silchenkova
Senior lecture
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education
«Smolensk State University»
Key words: pedagogical researches, statistical methods, ethical problems, statistical culture of pedagogues, representativeness of researches, ethical conditions.
1. Bogatyryova, Yu.I. Formation of statistical culture of teachers researchers: Abstr. diss. … cand. Ped. sciences. — Tula, 2005.
2. Veselkova, N.V. On the ethics of a research // SOCIS. — 2000. — No. 8. — P. 109–114.
3. Guseinov, A.A. Reflections on Applied Ethics // Bulletin of Research Institute for Applied Ethics. — Iss. 25: Professional ethics. — Tyumen: NIIPE, 2004. — P. 148–159.
4. Delarue, V.V. Specific case studies in medicine. — Volgograd: Volgograd State Medical University, 2005. — 97 p.
5. Novikov, A.M. Pedagogical dissertation: the number is increasing, the quality decreases — [URL]: http:// artikle/dis.htm
6. Sil’chenkova, S.V., Sen’kina, G.E. Education researchers determine the sample size in the pedagogical experiment: content, form of training // Proceedings of the Smolensk State University. — 2012. — No. 1. — P. 325–333.
7. Feldstein, D.I. Psycho-pedagogical thesis: research in the organization of modern scientific knowledge // Pedagogy. — 2011. — No. 5. — P. 3–21.