Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Actualization of potential of ecological deontology in the content of education as one of directions for it’s modernization in the context of sustainable development

S.B. Ignatov


S.B. Ignatov

The candidate of pedagogical sciences,

the lecturer of chair of the theory and methodology of professional education

Humanities Institute Tyumen Oil and Gas University.



Presented are theoretical and methodological fundamentals of ecological deontology. Also presented is the author’s system of methodological tools for actualization of it’s potential in the content of education, as well as given are results of the named system’s approbation under conditions of experimental research as one of directions for modernization of the educational content in the conext of sustainable development.

Key words: actualization, content of education, potential, system of methodological tools, ecological deontology.



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4. Ignatov, S.B. Methodological problems of actualization of ideas of environmental deontology in educational practice // Bulletin of the Tyumen State University. — 2012. — No. 9. — P. 94-100.

5. Moiseev, N.N. Fate of civilization. The way of reason. — M.: MNEPU, 1998. — 228 p.

6. Programme of Action. Agenda for the XXI Century and other documents of the conference in Rio de Janeiro in the popular presentation. — Geneva, 1993.


7. Strategy for Education in the interest of Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the 57th UN General Assembly session. — M., 2005.