Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Opportunities of interdisciplinary examination as a form of improving quality of specialists’ training at technical universities

M.Yu. Volkova, E.V. Egorycheva


Volkova Margarita Y.,

Ph.D., associate pro-fessor of Design and graphics department

Ivanovo State Power Engineering University.



Egorycheva Helena V.,

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Head of Design and graphics department

Ivanovo State Power Engineering University,


Attempt is made to expose necessity of interdisciplinary examination as one of directions of solving problems connected with improving quality of education in the process of young specialists’ training. Accentuated is such method of improving quality, as two-levelled in and out control of training of specialists and raising of knowledge level of students.

Key words: quality control of training, rating, test, exam, comprehensive testing, course designing, state examination, interdisciplinary examination, analysis of disciplines, evaluation criteria. 


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  2.  Volkova, M.Yu., Egorycheva, E.V. Investigation in interdisciplinary examination’s possibilities as a form of improving the quality of young specialists’ training // Messenger of scientific-industrial society. — Iss. 20. — M.: Alev-V, 2013. — P. 152—158.

  3.  Egorycheva, E.V., Volkova, M.Yu., Golyakhin, A.V. Improving the quality of graphics and artistic training of students // Messenger of scientific-industrial society. — Iss. 20. — M.: Alev-V, 2013. — P. 162—165.

  4. Volkova, M.Yu. Research in modern technologies to improving of the quality of educational process / State and prospects of development of electro-technology. XVII Benardosovskie chteniya. — Ivanovo, 2013. — Vol. 3. — P. 282285.