Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Basic methodological approaches to researches of pedagogical conditions in the process of formation of world view of students by means of humanitarian knowledge

T.V. Filippova


Tatyana Vladimirovna Filippova,
3 years post-graduate training specialty 13.00.01 - general pedagogics, history of pedagogy and education «Pskov State University
     Presented are modern methodological approaches, identifying conditions, that ensure effectiveness of the process of formation of world view of students by means of humanitarian knowledge.
     Key words: approach, methodological approach, world view, world outlook, humanitarian knowledge.
1. Bakhtin, М.M. Aesthetics of verbal creativity. — M.: Iskusstvo, 1986.
2. Bratus’, B.S. Anomalies of personality. — M.: Mysl, 1988.
3. Kodzhaspirov, G.M. Pedagogical anthropology. — M.: Gardariki, 2005. — C. 237.
4. Kuznetsov, V.G. Hermeneutics &human cognition. — M.: MGU Publ., 1991.
5. National Doctrine of Education in the Russian Federation. Project // Director of school. — 2001. — No. 1. — P. 97—105.
6. Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of the RFof December, 17th, 2010, No. 1897 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of general education” // Rossiyskaya gazeta. — December, 19th, 2010. — P. 10—14.
7. Pustovalova, I.V. Philosophical-anthropological analysis of the category of “world view” // Sociosphere. — 2011. — No. 1. — P. 11—17.
8. Ricoeur, P. Hermeneutics. Ethics. Politics. — M.: Academia, 1995.
9.Federal law “On education” (as amended on August 22, 2004) // Official documents on education. — 2004. — No. 31. — P. 12—78.
10. Rubinstein, S.L. Person and the world. — SPB.: Peter, 2012.
11. Frankl, V. Person in the Search for Meaning. — M.: Progress, 1990.