Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Reproduction of scientific and pedagogical cadres in high schools of Volgograd. Results of questionnaire of post-graduate students

E.R. Mkrtchyan


Mkrtchyan Elena Rafaelovna,

candidate of sociology, assistant professor of the department

of philosophy and sociology of Volgograd branch

of Russian Presidential academy

of the national economy and public administration,Volgograd,


 Analyzed are results of sociological questionnaire of post-graduate students at high schools of Volgograd as to the problem of reproduction of scientific and pedagogical cadres. Results show that overwhelming majority of potential scientists doesn’t wish to connect their future with science and education, because of what high schools suffer the loss of perspective cadre potential, which under other conditions could be the base of innovative development of the region.

Key words: post-graduate training, post-graduate students, scientific and pedagogical cadres, reproduction of scientific and pedagogical cadres, scientific school, two-leveled scientific qualification, barriers to reproduction of scientific cadres.


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