Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Geometric-graphic education at technical university

V.N. Guznenkov


Guznenkov Vladimir N.

 Candidat of Technical Sciences (Ph.D),

associate professor Department of graphic

Moscow State Technical University named Bauman.


 Presented is definition of professional geometric-graphic competency. Determined is structure of geometric-graphic disciplines, among which descriptive geometry, technical drawing, engineering graphics and computer graphics. Analyzed are results of corresponding pedagogical experiment.

Key words: geometric-graphic education, descriptive geometry, technical drawing, engineering graphics, computer graphics.


1.      Yakunin, V.I., Guznenkov, V.N. Geometric modeling as generalization of methods of applied geometry and it’s parts // Integral. — 2012. — No. 5. — P. 26—27.

2.      Ivanov, G.S. Theoretical fundamentals of descriptive geometry. — M.: Mashinostroenie, 1998.

3.      Guznenkov, V.N., Zhurbenko, P.A. Model as key meaning of geometry graphic training // Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly). — 2013. — No. 4. — P. 82—87.

4.      Yakunin, V.I., Guznenkov, V.N., Zhurbenko, P.A. Geometric modeling as inter-disciplinary language // Discussion. — 2012. — No. 12. — P. 161—166.

5.      Yakunin, V.I., Sidoruk, R.M., Raikin, L.I., Sosnina, O.A. Innovative strategy for complex informatization of geometry & graphic training in higher technical professional education at modern stage // Materials of International scientific methodical conference as to 80th anniversary of AGTU. — Astrakhan, AGTU Publ., 2010. — P. 228—234.

6.      Guznenkov, V.N. Information technologies in graphic disciplines at technical university // Education & society. — 2012. — No. 6. — P. 57—60.

7.      Guznenkov, V.N., Zhurbenko, P.A. Informational fitting out of auditorium lessons // Theory & practice of social development. — 2013. — No. 12. — P. 249—252.

8.      Information management system of N.E. Bauman’s MGTU “Electronic university”: conception & development. — M.: N.E. Bauman’s MGTU Publ., 2009.