Guznenkov Vladimir N.
Candidat of Technical Sciences (Ph.D),
associate professor Department of graphic
Moscow State Technical University named Bauman.
Presented is definition of professional geometric-graphic competency. Determined is structure of geometric-graphic disciplines, among which descriptive geometry, technical drawing, engineering graphics and computer graphics. Analyzed are results of corresponding pedagogical experiment.
Key words: geometric-graphic education, descriptive geometry, technical drawing, engineering graphics, computer graphics.
1. Yakunin, V.I., Guznenkov, V.N. Geometric modeling as generalization of methods of applied geometry and it’s parts // Integral. — 2012. — No. 5. — P. 26—27.
2. Ivanov, G.S. Theoretical fundamentals of descriptive geometry. — M.: Mashinostroenie, 1998.
3. Guznenkov, V.N., Zhurbenko, P.A. Model as key meaning of geometry graphic training // Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly). — 2013. — No. 4. — P. 82—87.
4. Yakunin, V.I., Guznenkov, V.N., Zhurbenko, P.A. Geometric modeling as inter-disciplinary language // Discussion. — 2012. — No. 12. — P. 161—166.
5. Yakunin, V.I., Sidoruk, R.M., Raikin, L.I., Sosnina, O.A. Innovative strategy for complex informatization of geometry & graphic training in higher technical professional education at modern stage // Materials of International scientific methodical conference as to 80th anniversary of AGTU. — Astrakhan, AGTU Publ., 2010. — P. 228—234.
6. Guznenkov, V.N. Information technologies in graphic disciplines at technical university // Education & society. — 2012. — No. 6. — P. 57—60.
7. Guznenkov, V.N., Zhurbenko, P.A. Informational fitting out of auditorium lessons // Theory & practice of social development. — 2013. — No. 12. — P. 249—252.
8. Information management system of N.E. Bauman’s MGTU “Electronic university”: conception & development. — M.: N.E. Bauman’s MGTU Publ., 2009.