Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Studying of Russian language from cognitive positions by foreign post-graduates from Vietnam at both elementary and advanced stages

I.B. Avdeeva


Examined is the process of training in Russian language foreign post-graduates of engineering profile from Vietnam. With taking into account cognitive component, elaborated are strategies of mastering in Russian language as foreign one. Also recommended are methods, oriented onto developing compensation strategies in foreign post-graduates.

Key words: foreign post-graduates of engineering profile, cognitivitique, cognitive styles, cognitive style of foreign students of engineering profile, cognitive strategies, cerebral hemispheres intercourse during learning of foreign languages.


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4. Avdeeva, I.B. Cognitive styles and their reckoning during training in language of specialty // Training of Russian language of foreign students: theory and practice, traditions and innovations. — Kharkov: V.N. Karazin’s KhNU, 2014. — P. 148—167.

5. Pospelov, D.A. Modeling of reasoning: experience in analysis of thought process acts. — M.: Radio i svyaz, 1989.

6. Melentieva, T.I., Korsakova, N.K. Functional asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres and differential training in foreign languages. — M.: Dialog-MGU, 2000.

7. Kuplevatskaya, L.A. Control over language training of foreign non-philologist students // Training of Russian language of foreign students: theory and practice, traditions and innovations. — Kharkov: V.N  Karazin’s KhNU, 2014. — P. 341—352.