Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Place of research competences in the structure of competences of educational standards in high school of category “National research university” and FGOS

A.V. Zakharova

 Anna V. Zakharova

 senior teacher 

Department of English Language

National Research University – Higher School of Economics


Presented is an analysis, allowing to determinate place of research competences in the structure of competences of educational standards in high school of category “National research university”. On the basis of original educational standards of NIU Higher school of economics, defined is difference in approaches to definition and content of the meaning of “research competences” in educational standards of NIU and FGOS-3.

Key words: national research university, competences, research competences, scientific and research work of students. 


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