Novikova Elena Yurievna
Doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor
Reu them. G.V. Plekhanov, Department of philosophy
Examined are competences of post-graduates with evaluating of their validity by students. Presented are some results of sociological research by method of questionnaire of basic indicators of the problem of security of competences as to courses of studying plan. Conclusion is made about necessity of optimization of learning plans for individualization of the process of education as to post-graduate study.
Key words: post-graduate study, higher education, competences, profession, career, modernization.
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2. Vasiliev, M.G., Erstein, L.B. Major trends in the use of the Internet in the process of activity of subjects of educational activity in higher education and the graduate school //Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly). — 2014. — No. 8. — P. 63—66.
3. Mkrtchyan, R.E. Reproduction of scientific and pedagogical staff in the universities and the city of Volgograd: results of a survey of students //Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly). — 2014. — No. 10. — P. 37—43.
4. Novikova, E.Yu. Actual problems of modernization of higher education in Russia // Pravo i obrazovanie. — 2012. — No. 6. — P. 4—13.
5. Novikova, E.Yu. The problem of assessment of competencies in the process of socio-humanitarian training of students-jurists // Pravo i obrazovanie. — 2012. — No. 3. — P. 48—56.
6. Reznik, S.D., Makarova, S.N., Jevitskaya, E.S. Post-graduate students of Russia. Selection and preparation for independent research and teaching activities. — M.: Infra-M, 2013.
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8. Tkach, D.G. New doctoral program in France as a synthesis of scientific and creative // Alma mater (Vestnik vysshei shkoly). — 2013. — No. 11. — P. 79—82.
9. [URL]: