Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Axiosphere of Internet as the space for value self-determination of students

E.R. Yuzhaninova


Yuzhaninova Ecatherina Rafaelevna


Associate FBGOU VPO "Orenburg State University"


     Elaborated is the space of axiosphere of Internet as independent phenomenon, containing hierarchy of values, certain mental experience and ideals. Substantiated is actuality of research in the problem of value self-determination of students in the space of axiosphere of Internet, using of which may be facilitated inclusion of a person into valuable and meaningful world of culture, self-realization and personal fulfillment as a member of information society.

     Key words: Internet, space, value, axiosphere of Internet, value self-determination. 


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2.      World Encyclopedia: Philosophy of the XX Century. — M.: AST, 2002.

3.      Kagan, M.S. Philosophical theory of value. — SPb., 1997.

4.      Kiryakova, A.V. Relationship between Axiology and Innovation in university education // Higher Education in Russia. — 2007. — No. 12. — P. 59—63.

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6.      Theoretical and Applied Social Psychology. — M., 1988.

7.      Tugarinov, V.P. Marxist philosophy and the problem of values // Problem of value in philosophy. — M., 1966.

8.      Chernykh, A. World of modern media. — M. Territory of the Future Publ., 2007. 

9.      Yuzhaninova, E.R. Axiosphere of Internet and it’s Morphology // Bulletin of the Orenburg State University. — 2013. — No. 1 (150). — P. 80—86.