Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Technology for the choice of individual trajectory in training process of a student

O.I. Lazareva


Olga I. Lazareva

Post-graduate of the chair of descriptive geometry and graphics,

Penza State University of Architecture and Construction


Described is technology for the choice of individual trajectory of education as to requirements of FGOS and peculiarities of educational plan, as well as individual qualities of students, trained in educational professional activity of bachelors in the direction of “Professional training (informatics & computer technics)”.

Key words: raising of quality of education, individual trajectory of education, type of professional activity, logic structure of learning courses, fundamental knowledge. 


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2.      Selevko, G.K. Entsiklopediya obrazovatelnikh tehnologiy. — M., 2006.

3.      Pedagogika sovremennoy shkolyi: kurs lektsiy dlya studentov pedagogicheskih spetsialnostey vuzov. — Minsk, 2009.

4.      Hutorskhoy, A.V. Didakticheskaya evristika: teoriya i tehnologiya kreativnogo obucheniya. — M., 2003.