Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Higher education in Russia: from not-completed medium one up to normative regulated scientific. Part I. Pre-university education: attractive perspectives vs hopes that doesn’t come realized

L.I. Lurie

            L.I. Lourie,

The doctor of pedagogical sciences,

the professor of theory and methodology of professional education chair

of the Perm Military Institute of Interior Forces for Home Affairs Department of Russia


Examined are theoretical problems in the process of reforming of VPO in Russia, as to incorporation in it’s structure of post-graduate studies. Special attention is paid to training research and scientific research laboratories, that are successfully solving problems of socialization of scientists, forming active creation environment and producing mentality of a researcher.

Key words: higher education, pre-university training, system of “school — high school”, innovative activity, crisis in education. 


1.      Vygotsky, L.S. Problem of age / Collected works: in 6 vols. — Vol. IV. — M., 1984. — P. 248.

2.      [URL]:

3.      Zinchenko, V.P. Psychological fundamentals of pedagogics. — M., 2002. — P. 49.

4.      Myurberg, I.I. F. Nitsche on modern person in space of politics // Problems of philosophy. — 2009. — No. 5. — P  47–60.

5.      Nazaretian, A.P. Smoloobrazovanie as a global problem of modernity: synergetic look // Problems of philosophy. — 2009. — No. 5. — P. 3–20.