Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Methodical recommendations for competitors for academic degrees. Part two

A.N. Kochergin


Presented are recommendations as to correctness of placing aims and tasks, as well as to formulation and substantiation of results of dissertation research.

Key words: dissertation, research, aim, task, problem, correctness, substantiation, truth, logic. 


1.      Zakharov, A.A., Zakharova, T.G. Diary of post-graduate (algorithm of preparing dissertation). — M., 2003.

2.      Kirillov, V.I., Starchenko, A.A. Logic. — M., 1999.

3.      Nepeivoda, N.N. Logical paradox / New philosophical encyclopaedia. — Vol. III. — M., 2001.

4.      Petrov, Yu.A. Culture of thinking. Methodological problems of scientific pedagogical work. — M.: MGU, 1990.

5.      Petrov, Yu.A. Methodological problems of using and developing of scientific meanings. — M., 1980.

6.      Petrov, Yu.A. Methodological requirements to scientific work // Vestnik MGU. Ser. “Philosophy”. — 1982. — No. 1.

7.      Petrov, Yu.A., Nikiforov, A.L. Logic and methodology of scientific cognition. — M.: MGU, 1982. 

8.      Uemov, A.I. Fundamentals of practical logic. — Odessa, 1977.