Presented are recommendations as to correctness of placing aims and tasks, as well as to formulation and substantiation of results of dissertation research.
Key words: dissertation, research, aim, task, problem, correctness, substantiation, truth, logic.
1. Zakharov, A.A., Zakharova, T.G. Diary of post-graduate (algorithm of preparing dissertation). — M., 2003.
2. Kirillov, V.I., Starchenko, A.A. Logic. — M., 1999.
3. Nepeivoda, N.N. Logical paradox / New philosophical encyclopaedia. — Vol. III. — M., 2001.
4. Petrov, Yu.A. Culture of thinking. Methodological problems of scientific pedagogical work. — M.: MGU, 1990.
5. Petrov, Yu.A. Methodological problems of using and developing of scientific meanings. — M., 1980.
6. Petrov, Yu.A. Methodological requirements to scientific work // Vestnik MGU. Ser. “Philosophy”. — 1982. — No. 1.
7. Petrov, Yu.A., Nikiforov, A.L. Logic and methodology of scientific cognition. — M.: MGU, 1982.
8. Uemov, A.I. Fundamentals of practical logic. — Odessa, 1977.