Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Components of praxiological training of students at high school

D.N. Devyatlovsky

D.N. Devyatlovsky is cand. of science (Pedagogy), doc.

Lesosibirsk branch of Siberian State Technological University



Presented is the author’s solution of pedagogical task, connected with examining of essence and content of praxiological training of students at high school by means of outlining basic components of the named training. The author determines essence of the idea of “pracxiological training of students”, outlines and describes components of praxiological training of students. Presented is the list of basic praxiological personal qualities of students, classified on their functional roles in four groups. The author makes a note, that though elaborated list of knowledge, skills, experiences and personal qualities is not complete, nevertheless it represents such valuable and needed components of praxiological training, that open possibility of guaranteeing success of professional activity of both bachelors and masters of various directions of specialization.

Key words: students, praxiological training, praxiological knowledge, praxiological skills, praxiological experiences, praxiological qualities of personality.



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