Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Professional readiness of social pedagogue for prevention of delinquent behavior as scientific problem

M.A. Chunosov

M.A. Chunosov is cand. of sciences (Psychology), doc.

Crimean branch of Krasnodar University of the MVD of Russia



Presented is the author’s analysis in the problem of professional readiness of social pedagogue for prevention of delinquent behavior by under aged persons. Characterized are various interpretations of the concept of “professional readiness” in scientific pedagogical literature. Make known are two basic aspects of professional readiness of social pedagogue for prevention of delinquent behavior, i.e. functional and personal, as well as described are basic components of professional readiness. Based on analysis of scientific literature, conclusion is made, that professional readiness of future social pedagogue for prevention of delinquent behavior be under aged persons is interpreted as inter-personal dynamic state, including emotionally volitional, operational and prognosis appreciative components, over-all taking into account of which conditions theoretical and technological readiness for social pedagogical prevention of delinquent behavior.

Key words: professional readiness, social pedagogical prevention of delinquent behavior, theoretical and technological readiness, delinquent behavior, social pedagogue.



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