Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


State of secondary professional education in Russia and Germany: comparative analysis

V.I. Teslenko, Ya.V. Ganushko

V.I. Teslenko is doct. of sciences (Pedagogy), prof.

V.P. Astafyev’s Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University


Ya.V. Ganushko is lecturer in physics

Khakas Polytechnic College



Presented is comparative analysis of organization of secondary professional education both in Russia and Germany. Results of the analysis are received on the basis of direct supervision, questioning, thanks to support of the German service of academic exchanges. Analysis in state of professional education in Russia and Germany ventured a conclusion, that organization of educational process in Russian professional schools are in need of serious modernization, requesting essential re-organization on the basis of introduction of innovative technologies. In that relation experience of German professional schools might be useful. Perspective direction of modernization of professional education is in introduction of SOL that, in the authors’ opinion, will allow professional schools of Russia to perform transition onto qualitatively new level of development.

Key words: professional education, quality of professional education, infrastructure of professional schools, organization of educational process, self-organized indoctrination.



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