Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Problem situations creating a state of cognitive dissonance in teenagers in learning activities

L.Sh. Amrahly
 UDC 373+159.95

Limunet Sh. Amrahly, PhD (psychology), Docent, Institute of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku City,, e-mail:


The article discusses the process of developing adolescents’ skills to overcome difficulties in cognitive activity, in particular, in a situation of cognitive dissonance. The psychological characteristics of this situation, factors in the form of conditions that require willpower, intelligence, as well as planning and forecasting the cognitive process are clarified. Here, a student may encounter conflict situations that inhibit activity and require more complex solutions when the tasks set go beyond his usual skills and abilities. The situation of dissonance refers to the discrepancy between the situations that teenagers face and their personal experience, as well as between personal experience and the experience of the group. Methods developed for the successful resolution of situations of volitional dissonance have been tested.

Keywords: cognitive activity, cognitive map, teenager, problem situation, cognitive dissonance, psychological methods and pedagogical techniques




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