Semen D. Reznik, Dr. Sc. (Economics), Professor, Head of the Management Department, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, e-mail:
Olga A. Sazykina, Cand. Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, e-mail:
Marina V. Chernikovskaya, Cand. Sc. (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, e-mail:
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need to implement a system of practice-oriented educational technologies during university studies aimed at creating a culture of financial behavior among students. Students of higher educational institutions of Russia, representing one of the target groups of the population and representing the potential for the future development of Russia, were selected as the object of the study. The information base for the study is scientific publications by scientists in the field of financial literacy and the culture of financial behavior of students, as well as the results of a questionnaire survey of 565 students from 29 Russian universities. The results of the study indicate that students have elements of a culture of consumption and savings. At the same time, many components of the culture of financial behavior (lending, investing, insurance, etc.) remain outside the field of view of students. At the same time, with an increase in the course of study at a university, the range of structural elements of financial literacy that are of interest to students expands, and the proportion of students who want to develop and improve the culture of their financial behavior increases. The proposed intra-university system of practice-oriented educational technologies for the formation of financial literacy and a culture of financial behavior of students can contribute to improving the culture of financial behavior of students.
Keywords: financial behavior, student youth, culture of financial behavior, financial literacy, consumption, saving, investing
Article prepared under the RNF grant “Strategy of Formation of Financial Literacy of Russian Students as a Key Condition for Ensuring Their Economic Independence”
(No. 22-28-20445). URL:
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