Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Designing the conflict readiness of cadets in the process of professional training at the Military Institute

Yuriy G. Bychenko, M.A. Peredumov


UDC 316.35+378:355

DOI 10.20339/AM.09-23.043


Yuri G. Bychenko, Dr. Sci. (Sociology), Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Saratov Military Order of Zhukov of the Red Banner Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, ORCID: 0000-0003-2094-6453, e-mail:  

Mikhail A. Peredumov, adjunct of the full time adjunct of the Saratov Military Order of Zhukov of the Red Banner Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, e-mail:


The article reveals the content of conflict readiness as a form of professional potential of a cadet in a military institute. It is proved that conflict readiness characterizes the cadet’s ability to solve professional tasks in conditions of social tension and conflict. The components of the cadet’s conflict readiness are revealed: 1) knowledge about conflict, skills of working in conflict conditions (cognitive subsystem of readiness); 2) skills of assessment, prevention, and resolution of service and labor conflicts (practical subsystem of readiness); 3) goals, needs, motivation to overcome the conflict (personal subsystem of readiness). Based on the analysis of the research data of the conducted interview (16 military experts, heads of military structural units of the National Guard of the Russian Federation were interviewed), the content of the design of the conflict readiness of cadets was clarified as a process of preliminary development of the basic sections of the project aimed at the formation of conflict potential, clarifying the main features of the joint interaction of teachers, managers, as well as cadets in order to form conflict readiness.

The basic sections of this management design are disclosed: 1) the formation of a state project for the growth of the material provision of cadets, maintaining the practices of their material and spiritual expanded consumption, ensuring compliance with the level of physical and intellectual service and labor costs, as well as the monetary allowance of the cadet; 2) formation of cumulative understanding, knowledge, skills of conflict diagnostics, realization of military professional activity in conditions of uncertainty of external social environment, effective actions and decisions in conditions of various types and kinds of conflicts; 3) prevention of emerging conflict practices in the process of professional training of cadets at the military institute (analysis of information flows about conflict risks in the system of service labor actions of students; designing a conflict free culture of communication; maintenance and stimulation of conflict free practices).

Keywords: military institute, cadets, management, social design, conflict readiness of trainees.



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