Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Formation of Skills in the Management of Needs and Production of Tourism Products Among Specialists in the Field of Tourism: Modern Challenges and Responses

L.V. Pyatiletova

UDC 378+37.09:[378.9+910]   


Lyudmila V. Pyatiletova, Candidate of Philosophy, Docent, Associate Professor in Department of “USES, PhiI” at Ural State University of Railway Transport, е-mail:


On specific examples from the field of railway tourism, the issues of the formation of competencies among students in the field of Tourism training in the process of studying the special course “Man and his needs” on the basis of the Ural State University of Railway Transport are considered. Three key skills are identified that contribute to the professional identification of the needs of a modern tourist as an experienced, demanding client of Russian tourism enterprises, the urgent task of which (including within the framework of the import substitution policy) is the production of competitive products in the domestic consumer market. The allocation of these skills as basic for the formation of a professional culture of a specialist in the field of modern tourism is justified — a specialist capable of producing a successful (including financially) tourist product that is in demand among the consumer. Examples of specific tasks aimed at consolidating the necessary skills in the production of tourism products that meet high quality standards (primarily) domestic tourism are given.

Keywords: tourist, consumer, travel company, profit, tourism, anthropology, culture, economy, post-industrial society, impressions.



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