Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Implementation of the Educational Integrative Module in the Project Activities of Future Designers

A.D. Grigoriev, A.V. Ekaterinushkina

UDC 378+37.09:[72+74]    



Andrey D. Grigoriev, PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Department of Design Institute of Construction, Architecture and Art at Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University; ORCID 0000-0002-9842-1254, ResearcherID: S-9463-2017, e-mail:

Anna V. Ekaterinushkina, PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Department of Design Institute of Construction, Architecture and Art at Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University; ORCID 0000-0003-4734-118X, ResearcherID: Y-7712-2018, Scopus 57204101749, e-mail:


Various areas of design activity are so specific to the design object that even, at first glance, the general methods and principles of the organization of the subject-spatial environment have their own specifics and a large number of “professional subtleties”. The technological and conceptual features of each type of design objects are assimilated by students not only at an informative level, but also require hard work on mastering professional competencies related to the organization and structuring of design, spatial, compositional, color and other types of thinking and artistic vision.

Modern educational programs for training future designers should ensure the speed of students’ inclusion in professional activities already at the initial stage of the educational process. The training materials have not only informational content, but are aimed at finding a high aesthetic and technological level of author’s projects with the activation of creative potential at all stages of project activity. The question arises about the constant modernization of the educational process, first of all, the propaedeutic training of students in identifying the essential role of formal composition in solving project tasks. This requires the development of practice-oriented approaches to teaching design students the author's plastic, compositional interpretation of the morphology of existing objects as an integral part of designing new objects. Such an interpretation can be formed as a result of the implementation of an integrative training module based on a step-by-step implementation of complex tasks (exercises) when one introduces a systematic approach to teaching project activities: analytical analysis of the original object — interpretation in formal composition — development of a new object.

Keywords: project activity, design, composition, propaedeutics, analysis, architecture, great style, teaching methodology.



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