Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Technology of Formation of Social Interaction of Students with Mild Mental Retardation

L.N. Gienko, О.Л. Беспалова

UDC 376 

Liubov N. Gienko, Сand. Sc. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul, e-mail:

Olga L. Bespalova, Master student at Altai State Pedagogical University; Teacher in Zarinskaya secondary boarding school, Barnaul, e–mail:

The article reveals the problem of forming the skills of social interaction of students with mild mental retardation. A description of the development of mental processes in mentally retarded children is given. The tasks of education are outlined. The structure of social interaction has been refined. A diagnostic toolkit is presented that allows you to determine the problem field of students with mild mental retardation. The criteria for social interaction of students with mild mental retardation (independence, social adaptability, morality) are determined. The technology of forming the skills of social interaction of students with mild mental retardation is presented. The technology of correctional work is aimed at the child's self-awareness. aimed at the awareness of the child of his “I”. Focused on finding positive qualities in yourself. Aimed at the development of adequate self-esteem. It is aimed at developing and improving self-care and personal hygiene skills. It is aimed at teaching independence in the process of interaction with society. It is aimed at teaching skills that contribute to social adaptation and social activity of students with mild mental retardation. The characteristics of the indicators and practical exercises for the formation of the skills of social interaction of students with mild mental retardation are given.

Key words: pedagogy, education, training, social interaction, children, mental retardation, diagnostics, socialization, socialization of personality, formation of social interaction skills, criteria of social interaction, technology.


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