Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Professional Selection of Cadets of Higher Military Educational Institutions: Current Status and Optimization of Functioning

T.А. Tereshonok

UDC 378::355+316.35             


Tatiana А. Tereshonok, Research Department (Military-Humanitarian Studies) of the Military University named after Prince Alexander Nevsky of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, e-mail:


Within the framework of this article, the primary diagnostics of the process of professional selection of applicants for admission to higher military educational institutions was carried out, based on the analysis of the regulatory legal framework, empirical research data and available theoretical developments directly related to the problem under study. The information received provided comprehensive opportunities for identifying problematic issues and identifying key areas for updating and improving the professional selection of cadets in higher military educational institutions. Thus, in the field of staffing the Armed Forces with officers trained in higher military educational institutions, there are some problems, expressed, firstly, in the incomplete awareness of potential applicants about the profession of an officer and the specifics of the conditions for military service, and secondly, in insufficient cooperation and interaction of higher military educational institutions with small military-patriotic organizations, thirdly, in the absence of a study of the value motivation of applicants. The author sees the solution to these problems in increasing cadet classes, introducing the institution of mentoring potential applicants, comprehensive support for small military-patriotic societies, as well as in developing a well-thought-out methodology for the value selection of cadets at the stage of entering a higher military educational institution.

Key words: cadet, military university, professional selection, serviceman, military social environment, patriotism, military patriotic education.



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