Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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The Specifics of Training of Tourism Specialists in A Foreign Language Complex

G.F. Gali, I.Z. Shakhnina

UDC 338.48-052:811.111`26

Gulnara F. Gali, Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at the Institute of International Relations at Kazan Federal University, e-mail:

Irina Z. Shakhnina, Cand. Sc. Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages at the Institute of International Relations at Kazan Federal University, e-mail:


The article is devoted to the issues of training tourism specialists and the role of English as the main international means of communication within the disciplines “Foreign language (practical)”, “Business communication in a professional environment”, “Foreign language in communicative practices”, “Foreign language of business and professional communication”, “Academic Communication”. The article presents an analysis of the materials of articles published in the collections “International Journal of Tourism” of the French Institute of Management and Tourism “Vatel”. Research methods include theoretical analysis of international periodicals and research publications. This article deals with issues related to international cultural exchange, and also focuses on new trends in the field of tourism in combination with mastering the vocabulary in English. The authors of the article analyze new directions in tourism, such as mini-clubs, with an emphasis on local traditions and customs of tourist destinations, and gastronomic tourism, which is an integral part of the culture of destinations. The article reveals the importance of intercultural communication for international tourism activities and describes the methods of mastering professional vocabulary in English. The authors focus on professional communication in English for tourism specialists, consider methods of presentation and implementation of new vocabulary, introduce issues of innovation in the techniques and technologies of hospitality, management, and staff training.

The materials of this article are useful for specialists in the tourism industry, teachers of educational institutions, students in this field, as well as a wide range of readers.

Key words: education, masters, tourism, mini-clubs, gastronomy, English.



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