UDC 37/09:336(470+571-32)
Andrey A. Linchenko is Cand. Sc. (Philosophy), Docent, Head of the Laboratory for studying the financial and economic behavior of the population of the regions, at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, e-mail: linchenko1@mail.ru
Zhanna V. Korneva, Cand. Sc. (Economics), Docent, Head of the Department “Regional Center for Financial Literacy” GAUDPO LO “Institute for the Development of Education”, e-mail: j_korneva@mail.ru
Elena V. Trutenko, student at Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, e-mail: shiboko@yandex.ru
The article is based on the results of the monitoring of educational organizations of the Lipetsk region on teaching the basics of financial literacy, conducted in the fall of 2021. It was concluded that there is a contradictory situation in the framework of teaching financial literacy in rural and urban schools of the region. On the one hand, both in rural and urban schools of the region, there is an active process of including a course on financial literacy in the educational practices of schools (advanced training, retraining, inclusion of modules). On the other hand, the monitoring revealed a lack of hours for teaching financial literacy both at the level of rural and urban schools. Educational activities to improve financial literacy are actively implemented primarily in the segments of educational (urban schools) and extracurricular (rural schools) activities, remaining in most organizations outside of elective courses. The results of the study indicate a low level of the number of students participating in competitions and competitions to improve financial literacy. The idea was substantiated that the effectiveness of the further implementation of the course in rural schools requires an increase in the level of information about current events, while in urban schools it is necessary to increase short-term training courses and conduct more educational and cultural events.
Key words: financial literacy, educational practices, teaching the basics of financial literacy, financial education.
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