Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Formation of professional culture of university students

V.Ya. Gelman

UDC 378               


Viktor Ya. Gelman, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Medical Informatics and Physics at North-West State Medical University n.a. I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg, e-mail:


The presence of a professional culture is an essential quality of a well-trained specialist, a professional. The article investigates the ways of forming a professional culture among university students. The features of vocational training at the university are considered. It is noted that education is not limited to mastering narrowly professional knowledge and skills. It is shown that the methods of forming a professional culture in a modern university are carried out by a combination of education and training. Moreover, education plays a leading role. These methods are complex in nature, with the presence of both educational and extracurricular forms of educational work. The methods of professional education include specific and non-specific methods, as well as the purposeful allocation by each teacher of individual educational components of professional culture. At the same time, the university is an educational system that provides professional training and the formation of the personality of students, where the education itself at the university and each teacher are elements of the environment for educating professional culture. Formed as a result of studying at a university, the professional culture of a modern specialist is manifested in the ability to comply with professional rules, norms and traditions established by the professional community, combined with a positive attitude towards the chosen profession, understanding the social mission of their profession and awareness of responsibility for making professional decisions.

Key words: culture, professional culture, formation, education, training, students, university.



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