Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Tools of Linguistic adaptation of International students in Russian University

O.A. Beregovaya, M.A. Yurchenko

UDC 378:37.09-054.6           


Oksana A. Beregovaya, Cand. Sc. (Philosophy), Docent, Associate Professor of the Department of International relations and Humanitarian cooperation, Chief of the Research Lab “Global education” at Siberian Institute of Management — branch of RANEPA, e-mail:

Margarita A. Yurchenko, Assistant teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages and Linguodidactics, Junior researcher of the Research Lab “Global education” at Siberian Institute of Management — branch of RANEPA, e-mail:

In the conditions of empowering higher education internationalization, we observe the increasing number of foreign students, PhD candidates, international «talents» and scientists. When adapting to a different educational system the problem of language barrier is not uncommon; it becomes the reason of foreign students’ low academic performance and on boarding progress. The article is dedicated to the analysis of linguistic adaptation tools for the foreign students. The aim of the article is the analysis of problems and tools of linguistic adaptation encountered by the foreign students in a Russian university. Among the tasks are: to innumerate the problems and reveal the tools of linguistic adaptation for the foreign students; to propose a strategy of their usage. In this research the authors use such methods as the analysis of national and foreign scientific researches’ results, the secondary sociological analysis, the classification method. The authors have analyzed the terms “linguistic adaptation”, “language barrier”. The results of a questionnaire-based students survey regarding the language issues during their period of studies are also reviewed in the article. Subsequent to the results of the research, the main problems were revealed, the main tools of linguistic adaptation were described and classified. As a result of the conducted research and taking into consideration the overviewed practical experience, a scenario to help overcome the difficulties faced by the foreign students, studying not in their native language, is presented.

Key words: international students, internationalization, socio-cultural adaptation, higher education, linguistic adaptation


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