Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Problems of lack of Adaptation of the student’s personality in Conditions

N.A. Pozdeev

UDC 316.4/.6-053


Nikita A. Pozdeev, Assistant of the Department at Glazovsky State Pedagogical Institute named after V.G. Korolenko, e-mail:


The article examines the risks of the lack of adaptation of the individual, during the transition from one social community to another. The interrelation of the concepts of “anomie”, violation and destruction of the frame, alienation at the personal level is considered. The theoretical analysis of sociological, pedagogical, philosophical scientific literature is carried out. The idea is proposed to consider the lack of adaptation of personality through such concepts as anomie, frame violations. The theory of anomie is considered through the views of E. Durkheim, L. Sroul and his indicators of individual anomie. Frame violations are studied through the works of I. Hoffman. The forms of self-alienation of personality, defined by M. Seaman, such as impotence, meaninglessness, normality, isolation, self-exclusion is considered in the conclusion of the article, the risks possible in the occurrence of these phenomena in the personality are presented.

Key words: anomie, alienation, frame violation, impotence, normality, meaninglessness, isolation, self-alienation, social pedagogy.



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