Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Formation of scientific alliance in thesis academic guidance

L.B. Ershteyn, N.V. Volkova

UDC 378                      


L.B. Ershteyn,

Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy),

 Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines

 Glazov State Pedagogical Institute, Glazov;

Department of Information Technologies and Systems

Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University


N.V. Volkova,

Cand. Sc. (Philology), Associate Professor

Cross-cultural communication and translation Department

Bashkir State Pedagogical University n.a. M. Akmulla, Ufa


The subject matter of this article is the phenomenon of thesis academic guidance. It is claimed that academic guidance is one of the key factors of the successful defense of a thesis. Factors and conditions of scientific alliance formation are identified in this article. The material represents that scientific alliance formation depends on the trust between the postgraduate student and his advisor, on the one hand. On the other hand, it depends on the style of their work. Three styles of academic advisors’ work and postgraduate students’ style of work are identified and characterized. The correspondence of the style of work of the advisor and his postgraduate student is reasoned. The model of trust in academic guidance is formulated. The methods of the diagnostic assessment of work style, trust and scientific alliance by itself are shown in the article. It is stated that there may be formed three levels of scientific alliance: superficial, deep and very deep. A very deep level of scientific alliance is proved to continue through several generations. The article represents the authors’ experience in working with various advisors.

Key words: Academic guidance, thesis defense, postgraduate studies, guidance style, scientific alliance, trust.



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