UDC 378+37.09:81`25
Maria V. Lukanina, PhD in Linguistics, Associate Professor at the Department of international communication, School of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, ORCID: 0000-0003-1303-0084, e-mail: mvlukaninag@gmail.com
Ludmila K. Salieva, PhD in Linguistics, Associate Professor at the Department of international communication, School of World Politics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, e-mail: liudmila.salieva@gmail.com
One of the key priorities of UN sustainable development goals is to give access to quality continuing education, provided in particular by higher education institutions in the framework of training courses and retraining programs. This paper analyzes original linguodidactic textbook, developed by the Department of international communication, School of world politics at Lomonosov Moscow State University for its retraining program “Interpreter / Translator in the sphere of professional communication”. The content plane of the textbook discusses core sustainable development goals, ensuring interconnectedness of global society aims and program learning objectives.
The program is designed in accordance with state requirements to professional competences of translators and interpreters, in line with modern teaching methodology. The integration of different program components in one manual allows to apply knowledge gained in the course of theoretical courses in linguistics and translation studies and master translator/interpreter competencies. The article describes the set of tasks elaborated to provide comprehensive and motivated mastery of both content and target skills relevant to the retraining profile. The textbook has been successfully tested in 2018–2021 and can be recommended for retraining and training programs for a wide range of different disciplines, such as politics or international relations.
Key words: continuing professional education, professional retraining, translation / interpreting, English language teaching, professional communication, sustainable development goals.
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