Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Progressive professional educational technologies

T.A. Shipaeva

UDC 378+37.09:66            


Tatyana A. Shipaeva, Cand. Sci. (Chemistry), Associate Professor of Department of Biology and Bioengineering at Volgograd State University, e-mail:


The article notes the relevance of using computer technology and the test system Moodle, associated with the need to master modern technologies and specialties in accordance with the objectives of the modern quality of education and its fundamentality. The updated stages of higher education institution development in Russia are highlighted, since in the progressively developing technological society the need for highly-qualified new professional specialists is growing rapidly.

It is shown that modern approaches in education will have the most significant impact on the idea of the goals and results of education of different types and levels, starting from the general education school.

Key words: multimedia, computer technologies, information, methodology, Moodle program, chemical formulas, PowerPoint, editor of chemical formulas ChemDraw.



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