UDC 37.01+159.95
Anatoly V. Kupavtsev, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Departments of Physics at Bauman Moscow State Technical University, e-mail: avkup@bk.ru
The physiology of cognitive activity of the human body is considered: reflexes, instincts, brain afferentations. The afferent fields are laid in human ontogenesis, and their development goes along the path of narrowing the circle of afferentations, the allocation of the “leading” and the location of the others in the reserve fund. The vertex of the cognitive knowledge of the material world is conceptual principles and fundamental natural generalizings, which are polycerent functional brain systems. Cognitive subject activity has in its composition two components — the natural and the social, forming the inextricable unity of natural and social starts of the living mental process of self-regulation in all forms of the activity of the subject. At the highest stages of personality development, the mental still does not cease to be natural and does not become “purely” social. Proportion of natural and social, ensuring the fundamental role of the subject in their mental development, the child's brain receives in the womb. External impacts and influences are valid only indirectly through the internal conditions of the subject in accordance with the cognitive principle of determinism — “external (inter) only through the internal (intra)”. The most important property of a person is self-consciousness of itself in the system of other people and events of society, their activity and their development and self-development. There are two aspects of the manifestation of subjectivity in education: the formation of the subject and personal position of the individual in the development of the sociocultural world and determine its place in it. The subject position of the individual to the environment and people and the subject of the activities of the teachings and mastering (engineering) profession (general scientific and professional education engineer).
Key words: reflexes, instincts, brain afferentations, cognitive principle of determinism.
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