Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Image of the World and devaluation of moral values: Aspects of the problem

Yu.V. Kolin


UDC 177    


Yuri V. Kolin, Doctoral student, PhD (Philosophy), Department of Cultural theory of Institute of Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences at Southern Federal University, ORCID: 0000-0003-2700-7096, e-mail:


The article analyzes the dangers of scientific and technological progress for society. It is argued that the relativization of moral values in modern society has its source in relation to man as an object, which leads to primitivization and disintegration of the individual. The article draws a distinction between a moral and a civilized person, criticizes the theoretical foundations of the concepts of posthumanism, transhumanism, radical constructivism and constructive alternativism from the standpoint of the concept of moral values as a manifestation of the substantiality of the individual and mass consciousness in general. The moral sphere is considered in the article as a manifestation of the substantiality of human consciousness, the image of the world based on the relationship to the Other as a subject. The article discusses the process of formation of the moral sphere of society as the basis of the image of the world, a manifestation of the substantiality of human consciousness, its irreducibility to schemes and attitudes imposed within the framework of private interests.

Key words: moral values, consideration of the concepts of moral values, scientific and technological progress, image of world, cultural dialogue, posthumanism, transhumanism, radical constructivism, capitalism, social inequality, constructive alternatives.



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