Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Digital etiquette in the views of students (based on the materials of the Yaroslavl Region)

S.L. Talanov

UDC 316.6   


Sergei L. Talanov, PhD (Sociology), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Political and Social Science at Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, e-mail:


The article analyzes students' ideas about digital etiquette. The author conducted a sociological study among students of leading universities in Yaroslavl. Comparative and typological analysis of digital etiquette among students from different families (material, educational differences in their parents), allowed us to identify the features of digital etiquette in the studied groups. It was found that students from families that belong to highly resource groups know the rules of conflict-free communication better than boys and girls from families that belong to medium and low resource groups. In addition, it was found that, according to respondents, deception and violation of personal space are the strongest conflict in the digital space. At the same time, for girls, regardless of the material well-being of their family, the observance of etiquette is more important than for boys. Respondents from highly resource groups, regardless of gender characteristics, are better informed about how to use a cell phone and gadgets while at university, at home, in a theater, train, shopping mall, etc. It was revealed that students from families who belong to medium and low resource groups were more likely to encounter bullying in the virtual world during their studies at the university. At the same time, girls faced cyber bullying more often than boys. The higher the level of education and the level of material well-being of students’ parents, the more well-thought-out strategy and tactics against cyber bullying their children have. Students from families who belong to low resource families in the online space are inclined to cyber bullying. It has been established that girls have more fake accounts than boys. At the same time, it was revealed that one-fourth of the surveyed young men from medium and low resource groups had a fake account created in a female name. Thus, this group of young men studies the values, interests, and needs of women. Such an account allows you to be added to women’s groups and analyze the values and needs of girls. It was revealed that girls from medium and low resource groups are more irritated by spelling mistakes when communicating on social networks than boys, as well as when their personal boundaries are violated.

Activities aimed at improving students' knowledge, skills and abilities on digital etiquette are offered.

Key words and word combinations: digital etiquette, digital culture, network etiquette, new ethics, digital etiquette model of behavior, virtual communication.



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