Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Analysis of employment of graduates of Omsk Universities from the standpoint of the gravity model of migration

L.M. Nurieva, S.G. Kiselev

UDC 378:37/09:81            


Lucia M. Nurieva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Methods of Teaching Mathematics of Omsk State Pedagogical University, e-mail:  

Sergey G. Kiselev, sociologist of the Center for Adaptation and Employment of Students and Graduates of Omsk State Pedagogical University, e-mail:


Acute disproportions between the structure of training of highly qualified personnel and requests from employers for specialists with higher education have been preserved for a long time in the labor market of the Omsk region. One of the reasons for these imbalances is the emigration of graduates of Omsk universities, which has become the object of study in this work. The scale of emigration of graduates from the Omsk region has acquired such a scale that, compared with almost all the territories of Russia, the region has a negative balance in the field of arrival and departure of young specialists. The empirical material of the study was the monitoring of the employment of graduates of institutions of higher professional education, which was conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2013–2015 on its specialized portal. The results of employment of graduates of Omsk universities in specialties, directions and scales of emigration from the region within the gravitational concept of migration are considered. It is shown that the directions of emigration of graduates are associated with the level of socio-economic development of the host regions. The main characteristics when choosing employment places for migrant graduates are indicators of social and financial well-being of certain territories. There are also significant differences in the remuneration of graduates depending on the region of employment. At the same time, it was found that the outflow of graduates from the Omsk region is associated not only with the difference in wages in the regions, but also with the lack of a sufficient number of satisfactory jobs in the local labor market.

Key words: employment of graduates, gravity model, migration, youth, labor market, Omsk region.



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