Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Features of the organization of educational and research activities of students in an educational institution. (The example of the College of Technology PenzGTU)

E.V. Liksina, O.A. Vagaeva

UDC 378         


Elena V. Liksina, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Chair “Pedagogics and Psychology”, Penza State Technological University, e-mail:

Olga A. Vagaeva, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Chair “Pedagogics and Psychology”, Penza State Technological University, e-mail:, ORCID: 0000-0003-0161-746X   


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the organization of educational and research activities of students in an educational institution. During the research, the current state of readiness of teachers for the organization and implementation of research activities of students, the level of their understanding of the importance and significance of this work both during academic and extracurricular time was determined, an assessment of factors that prevent the teacher from conducting purposeful work on the formation of research skills was carried out. There was also carried out an analysis of the involvement of students in the study of scientific activity at the moment.

The article presents and analyzes the results of a survey of students and teachers of the structural unit of the Penza State Technological University College of Technology. The study involved 40 teachers and more than 100 students. The results of the survey indicate that 95% of teachers believe that educational and research work should be a mandatory component of the educational process. Also, according to the results of the survey, it was revealed that 74% of respondents believe that the organization of research activities of students depends primarily on the activities of the teacher himself.

The study showed that the characteristic difficulties in organizing educational and research activities for both teachers and students are, among other things, a lack of free time and motivation. There is also an obvious lack of development of methodological support for students' educational and research activities.

Key words: education, students, university, teaching and research activities.



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