Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Opportunities for using a flexible learning model in the Higher education system: needs, prospects and challenges

O.D. Pritula, D.S. Shtreys


UDC 378


O.D. Pritula is Ph.D. in Economics, Ass. Prof., Head of Department of Economic and Finance e-mail:; D.S. Shtreys is Ph.D. in Historical science, Ass. Prof. at Department of Theory & Practice of management e-mail: Both at Novgorod branch RANEPA


Presented is the analyzis of the problem of adaptation of existing educational models to the needs of society under conditions of economic transformation. The aim of the study is to substantiate the possibility of developing and using a flexible learning model in the higher education system, taking into account the needs of society and sectoral differentiation of the economy. As a result the paper analyzes the relationship between the quality of training and the degree of segmentation of the economy, taking into account the level of industry differentiation. It identifies factors that determine the model of Agile education and its final product. The authors have determined the relationship between the degree of industry segmentation and levels within the framework of the Agile-education model, where the quality of the educational product is proposed to be expressed by the category of competence exclusivity. A scheme for organizing training in the framework of the Agile model of education training is proposed, taking into account modern trends in the development of the socio-economic sector. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using a flexible model of higher education in modern conditions of digital transformation and adaptation to the needs of society. Special attention is paid to the specifics of mastering the levels of education and funding sources. Social consequences of the research - the possibility of choosing an individual trajectory of education. Originality - the prospects, challenges and needs of modern society act as prerequisites for the modernization of the higher education model.

Key words: segmentation of economy, industry differentiation, factors, determining the agile model of education, product of agile model of education, competencies.



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