Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Experimental work for forming of project competence of future teachers under conditions of University

O.Yu. Muller

UDC 378  


O.Yu. Muller is PhD (Pedagogy), Senior Lecturer at the Chair of Professional and Further Education Pedagogy at Surgut State University e-mail:


Substantiated is implementation’s effectiveness of the pedagogical conditions of the model of the formation of project competence of future teachers in a university environment. As designated pedagogical conditions are named and described: organization of training in cooperation; introduction of an additional course «Learning to work on a project» into the educational process; the use of the project method as a form of independent work of students in the study of various disciplines of the curriculum. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that pedagogical conditions have been developed and substantiated, contributing to the effective formation of the project competence of future teachers in the conditions of a university. The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the revealed pedagogical conditions lead to the effective formation of the project competence of future teachers in the conditions of a university. The developed additional course can be applied in the practice of teaching universities in order to improve the quality of professional training of future teachers. The experimental base of the study was the budgetary institution of higher education “Surgut State University”. The methods used in the research: generalization, analysis and synthesis of information, comparison, analysis of educational and project activities of students.

Key words: pedagogical conditions, project, competence, student, teacher.



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