Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Dynamics of correlation between the level of anxiety and abilities to adapt to university in students

T.V. Ledovskaya, A.V. Afanasov

UDC 378:316.4            


T.V. Ledovskaya is Cand. Sci. (Psychology), Ass. Prof. at Department of Pedagogical Psychology e-mail:; and A.V. Afanasov is Cand.Sci. (Pedagogy), Ass. Prof. at Department of Social Pedagogy and Organization of Work with Youth e-mail: Both at Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University


Elaborated is the content of the concepts of “anxiety” and “adaptation”. The dynamics of neuropsychiatric stability, situational anxiety and adaptation in students during the initial period of study at the university were revealed. During the adaptation period, reactive anxiety changes in the direction of its increase. The presence of the relationship of adaptive abilities and anxiety in students in 1–3 semester of study is shown. There is an increased interaction of these mental phenomena among themselves in 1st semester. During the adaptation period, the level of statistical connection between reactive anxiety and communicative abilities increases. Moral normality is a situational characteristic during adaptation and its relationship with personal and reactive anxiety is weak, but tends to increase. Most students successfully overcome the initial period of study, but the values of personal adaptation potential in students lie in the zone of “reduced adaptation”, that is, the adaptation process is in a positive direction, but it is difficult. In order for a student to effectively pass the adaptation period, he needs to increase the level of communicative abilities and neuropsychiatric resistance. This will reduce anxiety to the optimal level.

Key words: anxiety, adaptive abilities, students, interdisciplinary, neuropsychiatric stability, stress.



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