Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Social and cultural foundations of University transformation in Online Society

A.A. Voinova, П.Е. Кириллов, С.В. Рябцев

UDC 378:316.4


A.A. Voinova is Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Ass. Prof.; P.E. Kirillov is Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Ass. Prof.; and S.V. Ryabtsev is Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Ass. Prof. All at Dubna State University, Department of Sociology and Humanities e-mail:

Examined is the issue of the further trajectory of the university development in modern society, where information and technological transformations determine a completely new educational discourse. It is emphasized that the cognitive nature and the increasing role of knowledge and education as the most important value are becoming the main characteristics of the new society. At the same time, the main factor of modern production, in contrast to the previous social forms, turns out to be inseparable from its subject. Knowledge constructs a person, becomes his leading characteristic. As a result, investments in people are growing: expenses for training and education, advanced training and retraining of employees. Information and knowledge in their new role create the socio-cultural context in which modern education exists, including university education. The thesis is substantiated that the philosophical understanding of education in a new society proceeds from an understanding of the specifics of the modern world and the position of a person in it. Since today a knowledge worker with a talent for assimilating information from various sources and transforming it into new knowledge is in demand, the university is guided by this idea in choosing its strategy. At the same time, the focus of attention is all the same knowledge as a leading public and personal resource, however, the new specificity of educational knowledge, as knowledge that is the subject of the university’s activity — its informational variability, fragility and contextuality, due to global informatization, cannot but affect comprehension of the specifics of a modern university.

Key words: digital society, knowledge society, university idea, massive open online courses, intellectualization of society, informatization processes.


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