Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Modern trends of education-related (study-related) migration into Russia

N.S. Zimova, A.S. Vantyaeva


UDC 325-028.42



N.S. Zimova is Ass. Prof. at sub-faculty of social construction ORCID: 0000-0003-0545-6317

e-mail: ; and A.S. Vantyaeva is PhD student ORCID: 0000-0002-1539-3025


at Higher School of Modern Social Sciences (Faculty) of Lomonosov Moscow State University


Researched is the problem of education-related (study-related) migration in modern world. Every year some million students migrate on the planet in search of most qualitative education. Because foreign students is very attracting category of migrants as to many indicators, university begin to start really “struggle for talents”, truing to attract gifted and ambitious youth. The aim of the article is in the study of modern trends of education-related (study-related) migration and in the analysis of the process of integration of foreign students on the territory of the Russian Federation. To achieve this aim, there were used traditional methods of research: the authors analyzed secondary data and deep interview, respondents of which were foreign students, studying in Russian universities. Results of research widen general views on modern trends of educational migration. By the way of the analysis of secondary data, the authors were successful to substantiate active growth in quantity of foreign students in the RF, as well as fix economic effects, getting of Russian universities because of inflow of foreign students. In results of interview, the authors also elaborate factors in education-related (study-related) immigration, as well as to define principal difficulties of foreign students in the period of adaptation in the territory of the RF. Getting in the process of the research data were used for elaboration of recommendations to improving of Russian state policy in the sphere of education-related (study-related) migration, that in succeeding future would assist not only in attracting of foreign students in the country, but also in growth of their will to stay there after the period of education.

Key words: education-related (study-related) migration, adaptation of foreign students, factors of migration, immigration into Russia, migration effects.



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