Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Digital socialization of schoolchildren and its influence on development of humanitarian orientation of Russian education

L.M. Allakhverdiyeva, A.T. Gasparishvili

UDC 13:37-042.4:004     


L.M. Allahverdiyeva Dr. Sci. (Economics), Prof. at Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics, and Prof. at Gzhel State University e-mail:; and A.T. Gasparishvili is Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Ass. Prof. at Lomonosov Moscow State University and RUDN University, Senior Researcher at FCTAS RAS e-mail:


Analyzed is the problem of active use of digital technologies in education. Noted is that the theme is presented by many authors as a great benefit, but one should see both their positive and negative sides. The article examines the relationship between digital socialization and educational processes and attempts to find possible ways to reduce the negative impact of new virtual factors and new digital means of influencing the minds of young people.

Key words: education, digitalization of education, digital format of training, digital socialization, education.



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