Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
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Formation of educational infrastructure in order to provide employment on entrepreneurial market

T.N. Kosheleva, A.V. Biryukovа, D.S. Brazevitch, Я.М. Далингер

UDC 378:331.5       


T.N. Kosheleva is Dr. Sci. (Economics), Ass. Prof., Head of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines and Service; Corresponding Member of the Higher School of Economics; A.V. Biryukovа is Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Ass. Prof. of the Department Socio-Economic Disciplines and Service; D.S. Brazevich is Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Ass. Prof. of the Department of Socio-Economic Disciplines and Service; and Ya. M. Dalinger is Ph. D. (Engineering), Ass. Prof., Vice-Rector for Education and Infrastructure Development. All at St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation e-mail:


Presented is the mechanism of formation an educational-communication digital-interactive regional infrastructure for supporting the labor market and promoting employment. The main task of the mechanism is to form one of the new elements of educational infrastructure that meets population’s needs in education and employment, by introduction and development information technologies, scientific models, and organization on-line interaction with the potential participants in the entrepreneurial market. The mechanism had been created by the authors can function taking into account the existing state programs, containing elements of digitalization, strategies for the development of entrepreneurship and social support for population. On the one hand the main advantage of the proposed mechanism will allow to build a new element of the educational infrastructure using the digital environment, and on the other hand it will help to form a labor market for qualified employees, who will provide a constant supply of the modern specialists to the entrepreneurial market. This goal is possible to achieve by the implementation of such models as the model of the ideal employee, the ideal job and the ideal place of education. Modeling of socio-economic information will help to identify the needs of employers for qualified personnel, form proposals for the entrepreneurial market development, open new training profiles, and predict the demand of future professionals in the interactive labor market. The authors conducted a pilot survey for mechanism evaluation that confirmed future applicants’ goal is to get higher education with the using of information technologies.

Key words: information technologies, digital transformation, entrepreneurial market, educational infrastructure, ECDIR-infrastructure mechanism, interactive service in the labor market.



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