Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


“The black swan” of globalization and it’s impact of development of communication paradigms

E.R. Elagina

UDC 316.7            


E.R. Yelagina is Dr.Sci. (Pedagogy), Prof., Vice-rector for Science at the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, St. Petersburg e-mail:


Examined are communication paradigms through the prism of the relevance of their classification under conditions of pandemic. Noted is that communication paradigms in their methodological basis tend to change, taking into account the interpenetrating integration through the interpretation of the unpredictability of the “Black Swan”, and an assumption was made about the role of lifelong education as a life value, taking into account the development trends of modern society. Generalized are the most typical factors of influence on a person under conditions of unpredictability, and the problem of influence of globalization on development and integration of communication paradigms has been updated, that, according to the author, requires further analysis and special interdisciplinary study.

Key words: globalism, communication paradigms, communication barriers, life values, lifelong education, self-realization.



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