Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Information and communication competence of a teacher: problems of development and implementation in the context of digital education

N.A. Rybakova

UDC 37.07-051:004  


N.A. Rybakova is Dr. Sci. (Pedagogy), Ass. Prof., Prof. at department of psychology and pedagogy at Moscow University n.a. S.Yu. Witte e-mail:


Researched are factors that prevent teachers from realizing their information and communication competence in their professional activities and identifying opportunities to overcome them. To achieve this goal, the paper analyzes the results of modern scientific, theoretical and sociological research. Digital literacy of a teacher is considered in the article as an integral component of his information and communication competence, which ensures the effective development of the entire system of digitalization of education at the university. The paper focuses on the study of the components of the digital aspect of this competence, which determine the content of the relevant training. An important place is given to identifying the real level of information and communication competence of modern teachers, including those related to distance learning technologies, as well as determining the reasons that affect the lack of activity of teachers in educational-digital activity. The results of the study allow to conclude that the main problems of the development of the faculty of the graduate school of information and communicative competence (including digital) and its full realization in professional activity are: lack of certainty of the digital aspect of competence, weak system of motivation of teachers to master and apply digital tools and technology in professional activities, insufficient resources, technical and financial support of teachers in the implementation of their digital competence.

Key words: information and communication competence, digital literacy, teacher, student, training, motivation, support.



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