Alma Mater
ISSN 1026-955X
Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly (Higher School Herald)
The best way to learn all about Higher Education


Priorities of critical thinking: new paradigms of modern higher schools

N.P. Sukhanova

UDC 16:37.01


N.P. Sukhanova is PhD (Philosophy), Ass. Prof. at Department of Philosophy and Humanities of Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management е-mail:


Presented is philosophical analysis in issues related to the practice of introducing critical thinking into educational programs of the university. The content of the concepts “educated person”, “subject of education” is comprehended in relation to ideas about knowledge and information. Education is seen as a special tool in the creation of personality, the emphasis is on identifying critical thinking skills in the cognitive process. The mission of education is presented as a total transformation of a person, an ascent to his true self. The primary task facing a person is the education of oneself and, given the speed of transformations in modern society, the development of critical thinking is postulated as a priority goal of education. The pluralism of approaches to the implementation of critical thinking programs by domestic higher education is demonstrated. The focus is on the university course “Logic and Critical Thinking”, which is presented as a laboratory of rationality for the formation of rationality skills. By detailing the course, the idea of logic as a necessary foundation for the formation of a critical culture of thought is defended. It is concluded that the results of the study of the practice of implementing this course show an increase in the quality of thinking in general and critical thinking in particular.

Key words: critical thinking, information, education, subject of education, higher school, logic.



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